GRUP Denim Tote - Item no. 02-7059
Plastic bags. We know they are bad, we know we should use less, but did you know that if you lined up all the plastic bags produced in one year they would circle the world 7 times over? We are drowning ourselves in it. The oceans are filling up with it — type Great Garbage Patch in your next search — and we are producing enough to plastic-wrap our planet.
Canadians dump 500 million kg of textiles into landfills every year. Worldwide it is estimated that 92 million tones of clothing is dumped yearly — That is a full garbage truck every second of every day all year long.
Feel good knowing that our GRUP Grocery Tote is saving and reusing a pair of vintage Levi’s - a pair that has already had multiple previous lives, gone on adventures and done the daily things too. Without our rescue these pairs would have likely also ended up in a landfill. And don’t worry, no usable or very old pairs of Levi’s were harmed in the making of this bag.
Also, grocery bags are ugly, but the GRUP tote is not. And you’ll actually want to use it so you’ll *probably* remember to bring it.
Fully lined
Machine washable
100% cotton
Made in-house by Blair and Lynae
Levi’s Red Tab denim only